Where Heart Meets Strategy & Strategy Meets Execution.
Thanks for visiting! Explore my site to learn more about me, my passion, my professional experience and vision around catapulting your agency to the next level. This site is designed to provide a snapshot of my professional experiences so that you may better understand how I may be of service to your agency needs. If you have questions or would like to discuss an opportunity to work together, please don't hesitate to connect.
Every child. Every family. Every home. Counts.
The last decade of my career has been in service, leading, advocating, and supporting the reset of educational and public service systems to support agencies in best meeting the evolving needs of youth and families. My professional experiences span the field of both education and social services in both the government and non-profit sectors supporting our most vulnerable youth and families. Via these efforts, it has been critical for me to challenge perspectives, refine and strengthen established systems & collaboration, and coordinate efforts to become more inclusive, more equitable, and in better alignment with the present posture of today's needs. Respecting and understanding that the power of our collective impact is essential to performance goals and achieving desired outcomes, it takes an unapologetic leader with bold vision and the right team to properly execute for success. Pioneering and leading forward with heart takes courage and the knowledge that your seat may sometimes be uncomfortable. However, the greater good is worth the discomfort. I am that leader.
Thus, I aim to spend the next decade being an innovative disruptor, elevating standards of operations, and informing policies that aim to produce effective results on how we collectively WIN. How we design and inform systems that aim to provide all children and supporting families with the best, the best in support, the best in education, and the best in collective service & agency. The goal is to win. The bottom line is that when our families win, our children win, and we all win. Veronica Simmons
To be an external ambassador, championing for our most vulnerable youth and families every step of the way. Providing optimal service delivery, world class customer service, and a culture of support and collaboration are mission critical for success. Fostering a vision designed to instill agency and maximize impact while also creating an agency culture that inspires and motivates, fosters appreciation and gratitude, while also being inclusive and equitable. Ensuring that the vision is well crafted, well communicated, and that the heartbeat of the work is able to drive the mission forward. Furthermore, permission to safely dream out loud is just as important for growth and development. Committed to cultivating teams that exercise work strategies driven by data informed decisions, innovation, and outcomes. Laser focus on strategic planning and implementation, coalescing critical stakeholders & partners, and motivating teams. Thus, creating the perfect storm for success.
Master of Public Administration
University of Phoenix
Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Bowie State University
Professional Experience
September 2019-Present
Established Leader in the Office of the State Superintendent of Education for the District of Columbia. Led the District's efforts to support Local Education Agencies in supporting scholars who disengaged from their education with reengagement. Developed and began implementation of the first Districtwide strategic plan to decrease youth disengagement from their education. Responsible for strengthening interagency collaboration and cross-agency collaboration among critical stakeholders to support reengagement efforts.
Section Chief Maryland State Department of Education
November 2015-September 2019
Leader within the Office of Federal Programs for the Maryland State Department of Education. Responsible for the oversight of federally funded grant programs inclusive of, but not limited to, Title I Part A, Title I Part C, Neglected and Delinquent, McKinney Vento, Migrant, equitable services and non-public schools. Supported cross agency responsibilities with revamp of the ESSA State Plan, review of local education agency annual plans, technical assistance and monitoring. Served on the Governor's commission for the advancement of Children supporting the State's collective effort to continuously improve Maryland Schools.
Federal Grant
Review Lead
United States Department of Education
Led a remote team of grant reviewers for the United States Department of Education with review of the grant applications submitted for the State Family Engagement Centers. Designated point of contact for USDE, supported scheduling, coordination, and data collection of panel reviewer feedback.
August 2018
Program Director
Community of Hope
November 2013-February 2015
Led and managed a team providing direct supportive services at Girard Family shelter located in the District of Columbia. Supported families with barrier remediation, completion of education and career goals, and transition to stable housing (tenant based voucher, rapid rehousing, tax credit, etc.). Supported administration of the Service Priority Decision Assistance Tool to identify and prioritize housing needs.
Talent & Skillset
Leadership & Project Management
Strategic Planning & Implementation
Team Cultivation & Acceleration
Data Analysis & Review
"If you want something you've never had, you must be willing to do something you've never done."